McKinney Business Appeals Lawyer

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McKinney Business Appeals Attorney

Jana’s appellate practice began about 15 years ago. Jana gives her clients straightforward and practical counsel and crafts appellate law strategies best suited to her clients’ objectives.

Jana complements her thorough and clear-eyed analysis of the record on appeal with comprehensive, original research and a tireless work ethic. Her appellate advocacy is enhanced by her extensive background litigating significant constitutional issues, advancing her clients’ interests before administrative and regulatory bodies, and handling complex business and commercial disputes.

mckinney business appeals lawyer

The Experience Required For Success In Appellate Law

Powerful written submissions and oral argument; anticipation of questions from the bench coupled with the ready response to opposing assertions define Jana’s appellate work. Jana represents litigants and works with referring lawyers on every aspect of an appeal, including:

  • Motions for post-trial relief
  • Motions for stay of enforcement
  • Interlocutory appeals
  • Appellate briefs
  • Petitions for writ of certiorari
  • Amicus curiae briefs
  • Oral argument
  • Extraordinary writs

Diligently preserving errors in the trial court and laying a solid foundation of evidence that will withstand appellate scrutiny can be critical to a successful appeal.

Jana provides these insights before a case reaches the appellate level.

A National Appellate Litigation Firm

Jana’s appellate law practice is nationwide in scope. As a federal appeals attorney, she represents clients in U.S. Courts of Appeal from coast to coast. Jana has appeared before higher courts in several states as well, securing favorable results against large corporations, overreaching governmental bodies and other adversaries.

Representative appellate cases in which Jana has secured positive outcomes include:

  • Obtaining a reversal on appeal for the denial of a temporary restraining order against the Illinois Department of Labor. The facial challenge to the constitutionality of the Employee Classification Act facilitated the amendment to the statute and spared Jana’s client from what would have been a $1.6 million fine.
  • Winning an appeal that reversed a dismissal of a breach of contract/consumer fraud lawsuit, ultimately resulting in the payment of damages to her client.
  • Jana appealed to the Seventh Circuit for the federal denial of a motion to dismiss in order to allow the state court to construct its previously entered order, which arguably would have governed the issue before the federal tribunal. The dispute involved an asset freeze pending enforcement of a multimillion-dollar judgment. Jana raised defenses that questioned her client’s liability. The defendants dismissed their case while the appeal was pending.

From state appellate and Supreme Courts to federal appeals courts and all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States, Jana Rine provides clients with the confidence and capability to go the distance.

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Appeals Attorney In McKinney, Texas

Jana Rine is a highly sought-after attorney with exceptional litigation and appeals experience in Texas, Missouri and Illinois. For over 25 years, she has represented her client’s best interests in trial courts, appellate courts, administrative proceedings and supreme courts. Jana has been recognized for her work on cases throughout the country and has served on the board of directors of the Appellate Lawyers Association of Illinois.


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