Allen Business Appeals Lawyer

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Allen Business Appeals Attorney

Starting or maintaining a business in Allen, Texas, can be rewarding. It can be overwhelming if someone tries to jeopardize the success of your business and devastating if they take you to court and they win. This can be a damaging blow to many companies. Do not try to navigate this situation alone. The Allen business appeals lawyer at Yocom Rine P.C. can help you appeal a negative result or defend your appeal if you prevail in the trial court.

allen business appeals lawyer

Protect the Future of Your Business

Running a business in Texas is hard work. Your livelihood can be at stake from one unfavorable court decision. Leaving your future to chance can ruin your current situation and any prospects you have in the future. Allen business appeals attorney, Jana Yocom Rine, has a proven track record of success in Texas. It takes knowledge of the Texas appellate court system to protect your business goals and aspirations.

She understands the nuances of lower courts and the Court of Appeals. The outcome of your appeal can rest on whether or not you have a skilled professional working with you.

Guiding You In Allen Business Appeals

There are many steps in the business appeals process in Allen, Texas. It makes sense to hire legal representation before you start the process. With skilled legal representation, your appeals case can look like the following:

Initiation of Your Appeal

The first step in your process will be for your attorney to file your Notice of Appeal. This document lets the lower court and your legal opposition know that you are seeking an appeal. The requirement for the document submission is within thirty days after your initial judgment. If you desire to appeal right now and your window is shortening, hire a business appeals attorney immediately so you do not miss your deadline.

Crafting Your Case and Strategy

One of the most critical steps in the process is gathering the record of your case from the lower court. The Record is the basis of the appeal. If something is not in the Record, it usually cannot be argued to the appellate court. You need to know what happened in your lower court trial to determine what went wrong.

The record of your lower court case is the foundation for your appeal. It can be used to highlight every error made by the lower court. This collection can include testimonies, depositions, evidence, and transcripts. Your attorney will work to comb through the information and find your grounds for appeal.

Documenting the Appeal Argument

Appeal lawyers use written documents called briefs to make their arguments. In these briefs are relevant case law, legal precedent, and any potential errors found in the record. Attorneys can write briefs concisely while including important facts supporting your case.

If your side initiates the appeal, your attorney will craft and submit an opening brief and additional responses once the other side submits their initial brief. If you prevailed in the trial court, your brief will follow the appellant’s brief.

Presenting Oral Arguments

Business appeals attorney, Jana Yocom Rine, is adept at presenting oral arguments and can ensure that the judges hear your case correctly.

Receiving the Court’s Result

After the judges have time to examine your appeal case, the briefs, and possible oral arguments, they will decide on a result. The typical results are affirmed or reversed. Receiving an affirmed decision means that the appellate judges decided to uphold the lower court ruling, while a reversal means they are against the lower court’s opinion. If possible, the appellate court will render a decision, answer questions of law. If a fact issue remains after appeal, the case will be sent back to the trial court for a hearing on remand.


Why Are Appeals So Expensive?

Many factors can contribute to the relative expense of an appeal. When exploring the possibility of a business appeal, keep the time and effort associated with certain aspects in mind, such as:

  • In-depth legal research,
  • Detailed brief writing,
  • Potential court appearances,
  • Deciphering intricate legal issues,
  • Fact or case aspect complexity,
  • Assembling of the court record, and
  • Garnering specialized witness knowledge.

While costs seem substantial, a benefit can be overturning and combating negative judgment on your business. This positive can save your business from significant financial losses or negative consequences.

What Types of Legal Grounds Do You Have To Appeal in Texas?

The types of legal grounds you have to appeal in Texas can include court procedural errors, misapplication of law, insufficient or non-relevant evidence, or inappropriate damage awards. The legal grounds you pursue in your appeal can make or break your case.

Enlisting a skilled business attorney when deciding which legal grounds to pursue in a Texas appeal is crucial. What you believe to be accurate legal grounds may not be compatible with your case or may not be the most substantial option.

How Do Appeals Work in Texas?

State law and local court rules determine how appeals work in Texas. Although the specifics of the cases might change with every appeal, the process in each court is essentially the same.

When seeking an appeal, you must initiate the appeal by filing a Notice of Appeal with your original lower court. This document notifies applicable people that you desire to appeal the lower court’s ruling. After the initiation, your case can proceed to record preparation, briefing, oral arguments, and, eventually, the decision.

What Percentage of Cases Are Overturned on Appeal?

One study shows that the reversal rate in Texas is about 30%. Factors impacting appellate results include the trial court record, preservation of issues, the merits of your case, and appellate experience of your lawyer.

Assistance With Your Appeals Process in Allen, TX

A critical element of a successful appeal can be an experienced Allen business appeals attorney. Yocom Rine P.C. focuses on delivering solid and sound legal arguments accompanied by a well-crafted strategy to fit your case. Contact them to schedule a consultation about your business appeal today.


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